Wooden Door in New Jersey

Solid wood interior doors are available in a whole range of styles meant to complement the design of a home. From the type of wood and its inherent color and grain to the shape of the doorway, the choice of double or single doors, and even whether to include glass features or not, solid wood interior doors can instantly upgrade the look and feel of an entire home.

We have a lot of color options in Wooden Doors in New Jersey. Wooden Doors colors to meet your specific taste.

*Color options may vary based on the package and dimensions you select.


When choosing the right solid wooden doors for your home, you need to take into account the amount of time, effort and care you are willing to put into maintaining your doors.

Additional information

Paneled wooden doors

Paneled wooden doors

Hinged wooden doors

These doors that are attached to hinges facilitate motions for swinging them. They are good for those who require their doors to close or open immediately without much effort on their part.

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